Grammar B1-C2 Formy nieosobowe czasowników Verb patterns Bezokolicznik z i bez to czy forma czasownika z -ing?
Autor: Grzegorz Płomiński
EFL Teacher

Czasowniki z -ing (gerund)


  1. forma twierdząca
    Czasownik z końcówką -ing (gerund) tworzymy przez dodanie -ing do podstawowej formy czasownika.
    • doing, playing, making, getting

    Odpowiednikiem formy gerund w języku polskim jest rzeczownik odczasownikowy, który zakończony jest zawsze na -ie, np. czytanie, oglądanie, picie.

    Zasady dodawania końcówki -ing
  2. forma przecząca
    Formę przeczącą tworzymy przez postawienie partykuły not przed czasownikiem z -ing.
    • not doing, not playing, not making, not getting


  1. subjects
    Czasownika z końcówką -ing używamy często jako podmiot zdania.
    • Smoking is not allowed in any part of the building.
      Palenie jest zabronione we wszystkich częściach budynku.
  2. objects
    Czasownika z końcówką -ing można użyć jako dopełnienie zdania.
    • I love playing the guitar.
      Uwielbiam grać na gitarze.
  3. preposition + -ing form
    Czasowniki z końcówką -ing używamy po przyimkach.
    • My dad’s interested in collecting coins.
      He lost his driving licence by driving fast.
  4. phrasal verbs + -ing form
    Czasowniki z końcówką -ing używamy po czasownikach frazowych.
    • I gave up smoking three years ago.
      Rzuciłem palenie trzy lata temu.
  5. no + -ing form
    Czasowniki z końcówką -ing używamy po określniku no wyrażając zakaz robienia czegoś.
    • No smoking.
      Zakaz palenia.
  6. go + -ing form (leisure activities)
    Czasowniki z końcówką -ing używamy często po czasowniku go odnosząc się do różnego rodzaju form spędzania wolnego czasu.
    • go hiking
      go shopping
      go dancing
      go sailing
  7. verb + -ing form
    Czasownika z końcówką -ing używamy po wielu czasownikach.
    • I enjoy hiking.
      She suggested going to the mountains.
    Grupa CEFR Czasownik Tłumaczenie Przykłady
    J [+ doing]B1admit (to) doingprzyznawać sięThey didn't want to admit (to) breaking the computer.
    J [+ doing]B1advise doingradzić, doradzaćHe advised following his instructions.
    J [+ doing]A2allow doingpozwalać, zezwalać naThey don’t allow smoking inside.
    J [+ doing]B2avoid doingunikać czegośShe avoids drinking alcohol.
    J [+ doing]B1can’t help doingnie móc się powstrzymać przed czymś, nie móc nic poradzić na cośI can't help thinking about it.
    J [+ doing]B1consider doingrozważać, zastanawiać się nad czymśMy parents are considering buying a new house.
    J [+ doing]B1couldn’t help doingnie móc się powstrzymać przed czymś, nie móc nic poradzić na cośThey couldn’t help laughing when they heard the joke.
    J [+ doing]C2defer doingodkładać, odraczaćI think we should defer making a decision until tomorrow.
    J [+ doing]B2delay doingodwlekać, opóźniaćSome companies often delay paying their bills.
    J [+ doing]B2deny doingzaprzeczaćHe denies stealing her bag.
    J [+ doing]C2detest doingnie cierpieć, nienawidzićI detest getting up early in the morning at the weekend.
    J [+ doing]B1dislike doingnie lubićI dislike doing housework.
    J [+ doing]B1encourage doingpobudzaćModern technology encourages multitasking.
    J [+ doing]A1enjoy doinglubić, być zadowolonym z, cieszyć się zI enjoy hiking.
    J [+ doing]B1fancy doingmieć ochotę (na)Do you fancy watching a film?
    J [+ doing]A1feel like doingmieć ochotę (na)I feel like swimming.
    J [+ doing]A1finish doingskończyćJohn finished doing his homework.
    J [+ doing]B2forbid doingzabraniać, zakazywaćThe order forbids leaving home except for essential activities.
    Most museums forbid taking photos.
    J [+ doing]B1imagine doingwyobrażać sobieImagine doing this all day.
    J [+ doing]B1involve doingwymagać, wiązać się z (czymś)My new job will involve travelling.
    J [+ doing]B2justify doingusprawiedliwić, wytłumaczyć, uzasadnićHow can we justify spending so much money?
    J [+ doing]B1keep doing (= to continue)ciągle coś robić, nie przestawać czegoś robićHe keeps talking about his work.
    J [+ doing]A2mention doingwspomnieć/wspominać oShe mentioned going shopping on Saturday afternoon.
    J [+ doing]A2mind doingmieć coś naprzeciw lub przeciwkoDo you mind listening to some music?
    J [+ doing]A2miss doingtęsknić za, brakowaćShe really misses working in her garden.
    J [+ doing]B2permit doingzezwalać na, pozwalać naThey won’t permit entering the country without the negative test result.
    J [+ doing]B2postpone doing (= put off)odkładaćThey’ve postponed giving the vaccinations.
    J [+ doing]A1practise doingćwiczyć, trenowaćHe needs to practise playing the piano every day.
    J [+ doing]B2propose doing (= to suggest; formal)proponować, sugerowaćWhat do you propose doing?
    J [+ doing]B2recall doingprzypominać sobieI can't recall seeing them at the party.
    J [+ doing]C2recollect doingprzypominać sobie, pamiętaćI didn't recollect having seen them in the meeting.
    J [+ doing]B1recommend doingpolecać, zalecaćMy trainer recommended taking more exercise.
    The nurse has recommended staying (at) home.
    J [+ doing]B1require doing / to be done (passive meaning)wymagaćAlmost all dried beans require soaking before cooking them.
    J [+ doing]B2resist doingopierać się, stawiać opórI couldn’t resist tasting all those dishes.
    J [+ doing]B2risk doingryzykowaćI didn’t want to risk being late again.
    J [+ doing]B1suggest doingproponować, sugerowaćShe suggested going to the mountains.
    J [+ doing]A1teach doing (referring to lessons or subjects of study)uczyć (czegoś), prowadzić (zajęcia)I taught singing in that school.
    J [+ doing]A2would mind doingmieć coś naprzeciw lub przeciwkoI wouldn’t mind going on holiday next week.
  8. verb + object + -ing form
    Czasownika z końcówką -ing używamy po niektórych czasownikach z dopełnieniem.
    • He could have the whole audience laughing in a matter of seconds.
    Grupa CEFR Czasownik Tłumaczenie Przykłady
    K [+ doing]B1discover sb doing (= to find)znaleźć, odnaleźćThe police discovered him hiding inside an old factory.
    K [+ doing]B1have sb/sth doing (= cause something to happen or somebody to do something)powodować cośHe could have the whole audience laughing in a matter of seconds.
    K [+ doing]B1keep sb doing (= to make sb do sth)kazać, trzymać, powstrzymywaćSorry to keep you waiting.
    K [+ doing]B1prevent sb (from) doingzapobiegać, uniemożliwiaćHis condition prevented him (from) returning to Britain.
    K [+ doing]A1show sb doingprzedstawiać, pokazywać jak ktoś coś robiThe photo shows a couple holding hands together.
    K [+ doing]A2take sb doing (≈ to go somewhere with someone to do sth together)zabrać kogoś (gdzieś) by coś razem robićOur mum took us swimming in the pool last weekend.
    K [+ doing]B1understand sb doingrozumieć kogośI really can’t understand her behaving this way in such condition.
  9. verb + -ing form or to infinitive or (same meaning)
    Po niektórych czasownikach dopuszczalne są dwie formy czasownika – gerund (czasownik z -ing) oraz bezokolicznik z to bez zmiany znaczenia. Stosujemy bezokolicznik z to w przypadku, gdy poprzedzający czasownik jest już z końcówką -ing.
    Grupa CEFR Czasownik Tłumaczenie Przykłady
    L [+ to do / doing]B2bear to do / doingznosićI can’t bear to hear that noise.
    I can’t bear hearing that noise.
    L [+ to do / doing]A2begin to do / doingzaczynaćI began to teach French ten years ago.
    I began teaching French ten years ago.
    L [+ to do / doing]B1bother to do / doingfatygować sięDon't bother to lay the table.
    Don't bother laying the table.
    L [+ to do / doing]C1cease to do / doing (= to stop)przerywać, przestawaćI hope they will cease to fight.
    I hope they will cease fighting.
    L [+ to do / doing]C1commence to do / doing (= start; formal)rozpoczynaćWe commence to build the tower next month.
    We commence building the tower next month.
    L [+ to do / doing]B1continue to do / doingtrwać, kontynuowaćI will continue to work until I’m seventy.
    I will continue working until I’m seventy.
    L [+ to do / doing]B1intend to do / doingzamierzaćShe doesn’t intend to come here again.
    She doesn’t intend coming here again.
    L [+ to do / doing]A1love to do / doing (AmE only)lubić, uwielbiać, kochaćI love to play basketball.
    I love playing basketball.
    L [+ to do / doing]C1omit to do / doing (BrE formal)zapomnieć coś zrobić, nie zrobić czegośHe omitted to mention when he was arriving.
    He omitted mentioning when he was arriving.
    L [+ to do / doing]B2propose to do / doing (= to intend; formal)zamierzać coś zrobićHe proposed to go to Australia in two months.
    He proposed going to Australia in two months.
    I propose to wait until all the guests have arrived.
    I propose waiting until all the guests have arrived.
    L [+ to do / doing]B1stand to do / doingznosić, wytrzymywaćHe can’t stand living in the city.
    He can’t stand to live in the city.
    L [+ to do / doing]A1start to do / doingzaczynaćIt started to rain a few hours ago.
    It started raining a few hours ago.
  10. verb + -ing form or to infinitive or (different meaning)
    Istnieje grupa czasowników, po których występują dwie formy czasownika – gerund (czasownik z -ing) oraz bezokolicznik z to, ale mają inne znaczenia.
    Grupa CEFR Czasownik Tłumaczenie Przykłady
    M [+ to do / doing]B2deserve to dozasługiwaćThey deserved to win the competition.
    M [+ to do / doing]B2deserve doing / to be done (passive meaning)zasługiwać (na coś)The series deserves watching.
    M [+ to do / doing]C2dread to think (+ to think; phrase, BrE)strach pomyślećI dread to think what they are capable of now.
    M [+ to do / doing]C2dread doingobawiać się, bać sięShe dreads seeing them again.
    M [+ to do / doing]B1forget to do (= to not remember)zapominaćShe forgot to call her parents.
    M [+ to do / doing]B1forget doing (= to not recall)zapomnieć, nie pamiętaćI’ll never forget going to Australia.
    M [+ to do / doing]B2go on to do (= to do or say sth new)następnie coś zrobićAfter the course he went on to become a successful man.
    M [+ to do / doing]B2go on doing (= to continue with the same thing)≈ dalej (coś robić), kontynuowaćI can’t go on living in this flat.
    M [+ to do / doing]A2hate to do (= to not want to do sth)nie chcieć czegoś robićI hate to interrupt you, but it’s urgent.
    M [+ to do / doing]A2hate doing (= to not enjoy)nienawidzićMy daughter hates going to the dentist’s.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1learn to do (referring to the result of the study)uczyć sięI learned to drive when I was seventeen.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1learn doing (referring to lessons or subjects of study)uczyć sięShe learns cooking at school.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1like to do (= it is a good idea to do something — choices; do something regularly although I don’t necessarily enjoy it — habits))lubić, chciećI like to take the test.
    I like to have a nap after lunch.
    She likes to have milk in her coffee.
    I like to do homework straight after school.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1like doing (= to enjoy; talking about a situation that already exists or existed — enjoyment))lubićShe likes reading in bed.
    I liked living in London.
    He likes playing computer games.
    They really like reading comics.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1love to do (= would like to do sth)≈ chciałbym bardzo coś zrobić itp.When I’m bored, I love to watch funny videos on the internet.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1love doing (= to enjoy)lubić, uwielbiać, kochaćHe loves playing tennis.
    M [+ to do / doing]A2mean to do (= to intend to)zamierzać coś zrobić, chcieć coś zrobić, mieć zamiar coś zrobićI didn’t mean to hurt you.
    M [+ to do / doing]A2mean doing (= to involve)oznaczać, ≈ wymagaćMy new job will mean travelling all over the world.
    M [+ to do / doing]A2need to do (= to have to do sth; it is necessary for sb to do sth)musiećHe needs to study harder if he wants to pass his exam.
    M [+ to do / doing]A2need doing / to be done (= sth needs to be done; passive meaning)wymagaćYour shoes need cleaning.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1prefer to do (= would prefer; to want)woleć, chciećShe prefers to live alone rather than share/sharing a flat with other tenants.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1prefer doing (= to like sth more)wolećThey prefer watching football to playing.
    M [+ to do / doing]B2regret to do (= be sorry to; usually used in the present simple with verbs such as inform, say, tell)ubolewać, żałować, ≈ z przykrościąI regret to inform you that we cannot offer you the job. (formal letter)
    M [+ to do / doing]B2regret doing (= feel sorry about)żałowaćGary regrets saying what he said.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1remember to do (= to not forget)pamiętaćDid he remember to take his medicine?
    M [+ to do / doing]A1remember doing (= to recall)pamiętaćI remember telling you about the football match yesterday.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1stop to do (= to stop temporarily in order to do something else)zatrzymać się (by coś zrobić)I stopped to smoke. (= I stopped the car and smoked a cigarette.)
    M [+ to do / doing]A1stop doing (= to finish)przestać (coś robić)I stopped smoking two years ago. (= I no longer smoke. I gave up smoking two years ago.)
    M [+ to do / doing]A2try to do (attempt to do something, do one’s best, make an afford to do)próbowaćTry to be quiet at night.
    M [+ to do / doing]A2try doing (experiment)próbować (wypróbować coś jako eksperyment)Try following a balanced diet!
    M [+ to do / doing]A1want to do (= wish, need, desire etc.)chciećOlivia wants to buy a new car.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1want doing (= need to be done; passive meaning; BrE informal)wymagaćHis bedroom wants cleaning.
  11. verb + object + -ing form or bare infinitive (similar meaning)
    Istnieje grupa czasowników z dopełnieniem, po których dopuszczalne są dwie formy czasownika – gerund (czasownik z -ing) oraz bezokolicznik bez to, ale mają trochę inne znaczenia.
    Grupa CEFR Czasownik Tłumaczenie Przykłady
    O [+ do / doing]B1hear sb/sth doing (actions in progress)słyszeć (jak ktoś coś robił / jak coś się działo)I heard her singing when I was passing by her bedroom.
    O [+ do / doing]B1hear sb/sth do (complete events)słyszeć (jak ktoś coś zrobił / jak coś się stało)I heard her sing in several concerts.
    Did you hear them leave?
    O [+ do / doing]B1see sb/sth doing (actions in progress)widzieć (jak ktoś coś robił / jak coś się działo)I saw her walking her dog in the morning.
    O [+ do / doing]B1see sb/sth do (complete events)widzieć (jak ktoś coś zrobił / jak coś się stało)He saw her enter the office.
    O [+ do / doing]B1watch sb/sth doing (actions in progress)obserwować, patrzyć (jak ktoś coś robił / jak coś się działo)Sue was watching the children shouting and running in the playground.
    O [+ do / doing]B1watch sb/sth do (complete events)obserwować, patrzyć (jak ktoś coś zrobił / jak coś się stało)My neighbour watched her park her car in front of my house.

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