Grammar B1-C2 Formy nieosobowe czasowników Verb patterns Bezokolicznik z i bez to czy forma czasownika z -ing?
Autor: Grzegorz Płomiński
EFL Teacher

Czasowniki z to (infinitive with to)


  1. forma twierdząca
    Bezokolicznik z to to podstawowa forma czasownika poprzedzona partykułą to.
    • to eat, to run, to work
  2. forma przecząca
    Formę przeczącą budujemy przez postawienie partykuły not przed to.
    • not to eat, not to run, not to work


  1. infinitive of purpose
    Bezokolicznika z to używamy w zdaniach celowych (purpose clauses), kiedy mówimy dlaczego coś robimy. W takich zdaniach partykuła to często odpowiada takim polskim okolicznikom celu jak aby/by/żeby/ażeby.
    • I’m going to the shop to buy something for dinner.
      Idę do sklepu kupić coś na kolację.
  2. question word + to infinitive
    Bezokolicznik z to występuje często po słówkach lub zwrotach pytających (what, who, which, where, when, how, whether).
    • I’ll have to read how to cook it.
      Będę musiał przeczytać jak to ugotować.
    Grupa CEFR Czasownik Tłumaczenie Przykłady
    I [+ to do]A1forget wh- to dozapominaćYou never forget how to ride a bike.
    I [+ to do]A1know wh- to dowiedziećHe doesn’t know how to use the system.
    I don’t know which to choose.
    I [+ to do]A1learn wh- to donauczyć sięShe’s always wanted to learn how to ski.
    I [+ to do]A1remember wh- to dopamiętaćDo you remember what to do?
    He didn’t remember when to start.
    H [+ to do]A1show sb wh- to dopokazywać komuś, co robić /jak coś robićMy friend showed me how to install the update.
    H [+ to do]A1teach sb wh- to douczyć, nauczyć kogoś jak coś robićHis father taught him how to drive.
    H [+ to do]A1tell sb wh- to dopowiedziećCould you tell him how to do it?
    Don’t tell me what to do!
    I [+ to do]A2decide wh- to dodecydowaćThey can’t decide where to go on holidays.
    H [+ to do]A2explain to sb wh- to dowyjaśniać, tłumaczyćHe explained to them what to do in case of fire.
    I [+ to do]A2explain wh- to dowyjaśniać, tłumaczyćCan you explain how to do it?
    I [+ to do]A2find out wh- to do (phrasal verb)dowiedzieć sięWe need to find out how to stop this.
    I [+ to do]A2understand wh- to dorozumiećWe’re trying to understand how to play this game.
    I don’t understand what to do.
    H [+ to do]B1advise sb wh- to doradzić, doradzaćShe advised me what to do.
    H [+ to do]B1ask sb wh- to dozapytaćShe asked me how to do it.
    I [+ to do]B1ask wh- to dozapytaćHe asked me what time the meeting would start.
    I [+ to do]B1discover wh- to do (= to find)odkrywać, dowiedzieć sięThe scientist still haven’t discovered how to kill the virus.
    H [+ to do]B1wonder sb wh- to dozastanawiać sięHave you ever wondered where to look for our products in town?
    I [+ to do]B1wonder wh- to dozastanawiać sięI wondered whether to go or not.
    H [+ to do]C1instruct sb wh- to doszkolić, nauczać kogoś jak coś zrobićThey’re instructing us how to use the gym equipment.
    sb = somebody/someone, tu: komuś, kogoś (w roli dopełnienia)
    wh- = wh-word, question word (słowa pytające), np. what, where, how
  3. verb + object + to infinitive
    Bezokolicznika z to używamy po niektórych czasownikach z dopełnieniem.
    • He asked me to help him.
      The doctor advised me to stay home.
    Grupa CEFR Czasownik Tłumaczenie Przykłady
    F [+ to do]A1like sb/sth to do (= to want sb to do sth)chcieć, żeby ktoś coś zrobiłShe likes him to take care of their children.
    F [+ to do]A1love sb to dolubić, uwielbiać, jak ktoś coś robiShe loves her husband to take her to the cinema every weekend.
    F [+ to do]A1prefer sb/sth to do (= would prefer sb to do sth)woleć, żeby ktoś coś zrobiłI prefer vegetables to be raw rather than cooked.
    F [+ to do]A1teach sb to douczyć, nauczyć kogoś coś robićSusan taught her to sing when she was a child.
    F [+ to do]A1want sb to dochcieć, żeby ktoś coś zrobiłI want you to be ready by 4 o’clock.
    F [+ to do]A1would like sb to dochciałbym itp., żeby ktoś coś zrobiłShe would like me to finish the book soon.
    F [+ to do]A1would love sb to do(bardzo) chciałbym itp., żeby ktoś coś zrobiłThey would love to go skiing to the Alps.
    F [+ to do]A2consider sb to douważać kogoś/coś za kogoś/cośI consider him to be a hero.
    F [+ to do]A2guess sb to dozgadnąć, odgadnąćHe guessed the number of people to be over a hundred.
    F [+ to do]A2invite sb to dozapraszaćHe invited me to go to the conference with him.
    F [+ to do]A2recommend sb to dopolecać, rekomendować komuś zrobienie czegośI recommended him to book his ticket early.
    F [+ to do]A2request sb to dopoprosić kogoś, żeby coś zrobił / o zrobienie czegośThe manager requested us to work from home.
    F [+ to do]A2take (sb) sth to do (talking about time)zajmować, zabierać, wymagaćIt took me a long time to learn to speak French.
    F [+ to do]A2take sb to do (≈ to go somewhere with someone to do sth)zabrać kogoś (gdzieś) by coś zrobiłI took my children to see a film at the cinema yesterday.
    F [+ to do]A2take sb/sth to do (= to need)wymagać, trzeba (czegoś/kogoś)It takes a lot of courage to talk about it.
    F [+ to do]A2tell sb to dokazać komuś coś zrobićI told you to be quiet.
    F [+ to do]A2wish sb to dożyczyć sobie, prosićI wish you to leave.
    F [+ to do]A2would hate sb to do (= to not want sb to do sth)nie chcieć, żeby ktoś coś zrobił lub cos się stałoI would hate to see you go abroad.
    F [+ to do]A2would prefer sb to dowoleć, żeby ktoś coś zrobiłWould you prefer me to stay here with you?
    F [+ to do]B1advise sb to doradzić, doradzaćThe doctor advised her to go on a strict diet.
    F [+ to do]B1allow sb/sth to dopozwalać, dopuszczać doThey allowed the situation to get worse and worse.
    F [+ to do]B1ask sb to doprosić (o)He’s asked me to walk his dogs while he’s away.
    F [+ to do]B1choose sb to be/dowybrać (kogoś)We chose Robert Evans to be chairperson.
    F [+ to do]B1encourage sb to dozachęcaćOur father has always encouraged us to try new things.
    F [+ to do]B1find sb/sth to be (+ to be)stwierdzaćI found the film to be very funny.
    F [+ to do]B1force sb to dozmuszać kogoś do czegośThe police forced him to leave the building.
    F [+ to do]B1intend sb to dochcieć, żeby ktoś zrobił cośHe intends his children to take over the business.
    F [+ to do]B1know sb to do (informal)znać (kogoś z jakiejś strony)I know him to be honest.
    I’ve never known her to lose her temper.
    F [+ to do]B1persuade sb to doprzekonaćIt was hard, but I managed to persuade her to take the exam.
    F [+ to do]B1press sb to do (= to persuade)naciskać naThey pressed us to stay a bit longer.
    F [+ to do]B1remind sb to doprzypominaćI'm calling to remind you to get some bread.
    F [+ to do]B1require sb to dożądać żeby ktoś coś zrobił, wymagać czegoś od kogośMy university requires me to study at least two general science courses.
    F [+ to do]B1warn sb to doostrzegać kogoś, żebyI warned you not to go there.
    F [+ to do]B2beg sb to dobłagaćHe begged her to stay, but she left.
    F [+ to do]B2command sb to dorozkazywaćThe officer commanded his men to stop shooting.
    F [+ to do]B2declare sb to dooświadczać, ogłaszaćThey declared the painting to be a forgery.
    F [+ to do]B2enable sb to doumożliwiać komuś coś zrobićMy new job has enabled me to decorate my flat.
    F [+ to do]B2expect sb to dooczekiwać, wymagaćThey expected me to arrive last night.
    F [+ to do]B2forbid sb to dozakazać/zabronić komuś robić coś / zrobienia czegośShe’s forbidden him to drink alcohol.
    F [+ to do]B2get sb to do (= to persuade sb to do sth)przekonać kogoś, żeby coś zrobiłHow did you get him to tidy his room?
    F [+ to do]B2inspire sb to do (= to encourage sb to do sth)inspirować, natchnąćHer music teacher inspired her to become a musician.
    F [+ to do]B2order sb to dorozkazać, polecić, kazaćHe ordered them to leave the building.
    F [+ to do]B2permit sb to dopozwalać komuś coś zrobićThis password will permit you to pass through the entrance.
    F [+ to do]B2urge sb to donakłaniać/zachęcać kogoś do czegośHer mother urged her to study medicine.
    F [+ to do]C1compel sb to do (= to force sb to do sth)zmuszać kogoś do czegośThe order compelled her to appear as a witness.
    F [+ to do]C1instruct sb to dopouczać, poinstruować kogoś, by zrobił cośThe system instructed me to call the administrator.
    F [+ to do]C1tempt sb to dokusić, wabić kogoś, by coś zrobiłThey tempted me to join them for lunch.
    F [+ to do]C2challenge sb to dorzucać wyzwanie komuśThe virus has challenged us to redefine our relationships with technology.
    F [+ to do]C2dare sb to do (= to challenge sb to do sth dangerous or difficult things; positive sentences)rzucać komuś wyzwanie, żeby coś zrobiłI dare you to talk to him in person.
    F [+ to do]C2direct sb to do (formal)nakazać komuś cośThey directed us to stay calm.
    F [+ to do]C2oblige sb to domieć obowiązek coś zrobić, być zobowiązanym coś zrobićMr Harrison’s bad health obliged him to retire.
    sb = somebody/someone, tu: komuś, kogoś (w roli dopełnienia)
  4. it with infinitive subjects (it + be + adjective + to infinitive)
    Bezokolicznik z to rzadko występuje jako podmiot, dlatego często stosuje się go w zdaniach rozpoczynających się od it (introductory it) z czasownikiem być i przymiotnikiem.
    • It’s important to remember all these rules.
      Ważne jest, żeby pamiętać te wszystkie zasady.
  5. noun + to infinitive
    Bezokolicznika z to używamy po wielu rzeczownikach.
    • I have some work to do.
      Mam trochę pracy do zrobienia.
    Grupa CEFR Czasownik Tłumaczenie Przykłady
  6. adjective + to infinitive
    Bezokolicznika z to używamy często po wielu przymiotnikach.
    • I’m really happy to be here.
      Jestem naprawdę szczęśliwy, że tu jestem.
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  7. verb/adjective/adverb + enough + to infinitive
    Bezokolicznika z to używamy po enough (dość/dosyć/wystarczająco) poprzedzonym czasownikiem, przymiotnikiem lub przysłówkiem.
    • The children didn’t have enough to eat.
      You’re not old enough to drive.
      He doesn’t run fast enough to take part in the competition.
  8. too + adjective/adverb + to infinitive
    Bezokolicznika z to używamy po przymiotniku lub przysłówku poprzedzonym too (za/zbyt).
    • It’s too cold to go out.
      Some countries are moving too quickly to reopen their economies.
  9. indefinite pronoun + to infinitive
    Bezokolicznik z to używamy po zaimkach nieokreślonych, np. (somebody, anything, nowhere, everybody).
    • Do you have anything to read?
      Masz coś do czytania?
  10. verb + to infinitive
    Bezokolicznika z to stosowany jest po wielu czasownikach.
    • I want to know them.
      Chcę je znać.
    Grupa CEFR Czasownik Tłumaczenie Przykłady
    E [+ to do]A1ask to do (want permission)zapytać, prosićThey asked me to join me this weekend.
    E [+ to do]A1learn to douczyć sięMy son is learning to play the guitar.
    E [+ to do]A1wait to doczekaćThe taxi is waiting to collect you.
    E [+ to do]A1would like to do≈ chciałbym itp.They would like to buy a bigger house.
    E [+ to do]A1would love to do≈ (bardzo) chciałbym itp.I'd love to go to New York.
    E [+ to do]A2care to do (= want to do sth / feel like doing sth)chcieć coś zrobić, mieć ochotę coś zrobićI don’t care to read the instructions.
    E [+ to do]A2decide to dodecydowaćHe has decided to visit the new factory.
    E [+ to do]A2hurry to dospieszyć sięWe hurried to get to the station in time.
    E [+ to do]A2offer to doproponowaćJane offered to help me.
    E [+ to do]A2plan to doplanować / zamierzać coś zrobićWe plan to go to Mexico next summer.
    E [+ to do]A2prepare to doprzygotowywać sięI’m preparing to go camping.
    E [+ to do]A2seem to dowydawać sięThe whole building seemed to shake.
    E [+ to do]A2would hate to do (= would not like to do sth)nie chciećI would hate to do that again.
    E [+ to do]A2would prefer to dowoleć, chciećI’d prefer to take a train to the airport tomorrow morning rather than go/going by bus.
    E [+ to do]B1afford to domóc sobie pozwolić na, stać kogoś naThey can’t afford to buy a new car.
    E [+ to do]B1aim to dodążyć do czegoś, planować cośThe team aims to finish the project by Friday.
    E [+ to do]B1appear to do (= to seem)wydawać sięThe children appear to be tired.
    E [+ to do]B1arrange to do (= to organize)organizować, załatwiać, ustalić, umówićI’ve arranged to see the doctor on Monday morning.
    E [+ to do]B1attempt to dopróbowaćThe prisoner has attempted to escape three times this year.
    E [+ to do]B1choose to dozdecydować się na cośTom chose to start a new project.
    E [+ to do]B1expect to dooczekiwać, spodziewać sięHe didn’t expect to see her at the party.
    E [+ to do]B1get to do (= to start doing sth; to have an opportunity to do sth – informal)w końcu zacząć coś robić; mieć okazję coś zrobićWhen do you get to clean your rooms? I got to see some famous people in the fashion show.
    E [+ to do]B1hope to do (= to intend to do something)mieć nadzieję na cośLaura hopes to pass her exam.
    E [+ to do]B1know to do (≈ should do sth)wiedzieć, że powinno się coś zrobićHe knows not to tell anyone.
    E [+ to do]B1manage to doradzić sobie, zdołać coś zrobić, udać sięWe managed to park just outside the restaurant.
    E [+ to do]B1promise to doobiecywać, przyrzekaćJake promised to call me at least once a week.
    E [+ to do]B1refuse to doodmawiaćWhy do you refuse to admit that you were wrong?
    E [+ to do]B2agree to dozgadzać sięThey agreed to help us.
    E [+ to do]B2claim to dotwierdzićMy neighbours claim to have seen the burglar.
    E [+ to do]B2decline to do (= to refuse sth)nie przyjmować, odmawiaćShe declined to reply.
    E [+ to do]B2demand to dożądaćI demand to know the truth.
    E [+ to do]B2fail to donie zrobić czegośHe’s failed to follow his trainer’s instructions.
    E [+ to do]B2guarantee to dogwarantować, zapewniaćThe plan was guaranteed to succeed.
    E [+ to do]B2hesitate to dowahać się coś zrobićDon’t hesitate to contact us if you need help.
    E [+ to do]B2pretend to doudawaćDon't pretend to be interested!
    E [+ to do]B2prove to be (+ to be)okazać się jakimśThe new method has proved to be a hit.
    E [+ to do]B2tend to dozwykle coś robić / być jakimśWe tend to receive a lot of emails from our customers.
    E [+ to do]B2think to do (= to remember; to expect)pomyśleć, żeby coś zrobić; pomyśleć, że…I didn’t think to tell her about our plan.
    Who would have though to find you here?
    E [+ to do]B2threaten to dogrozićMy neighbour threatened to call the police.
    E [+ to do]B2train to do (= to teach a skill)szkolić, ćwiczyćThey trained our employees to use the new machine.
    E [+ to do]B2trouble to dozadać sobie trud zrobienia czegośDon’t trouble to carry those heavy boxes.
    E [+ to do]B2turn out to do (phrasal verb)okazywać sięThe party turned out to be quite nice.
    E [+ to do]B2wish to dożyczyć sobie / chcieć / pragnąć coś zrobić (formal)Mrs Brown wishes to be alone.
    E [+ to do]C1happen to do (= to do something by chance)przypadkiem coś zrobić, mieć miejsce przypadkiemIf you happen to see Tom, tell him to come here.
    E [+ to do]C1neglect to donie raczyć czegoś zrobić, zapomnieć coś zrobićPolice, teachers, municipal workers and other public servants who neglect to do their duties are stealing from the public.
    E [+ to do]C2consent to dozgadzać sięShe eventually consented to a cesarean section.
    E [+ to do]C2determine to do (formal)zdecydować się, postanowić coś zrobićWe determined to leave the hotel immediately.
    E [+ to do]C2long to do (= to want to do sth very much)tęsknić do czegoś, bardzo pragnąć czegośShe’s longing to see us again.
    E [+ to do]C2undertake to do (= to promise; formal)podejmować się zrobienia czegoś, zobowiązywać sięShe undertook to pay all the money back next month.
    E [+ to do]C2vow to doprzyrzekać, przysięgaćShe vowed never to see him again.
    E [+ to do]C2yearn to dobardzo pragnąć czegośShe yearned to move out of the country and live in the city..
    E [+ to do]B1ought to do (= should do sth; modal verb)powinien coś zrobić itp.She ought to call the doctor.
  11. verb + to infinitive or -ing form (same meaning)
    Po niektórych czasownikach dopuszczalne są dwie formy czasownika – bezokolicznik z to oraz gerund (czasownik z -ing) bez zmiany znaczenia. Stosujemy bezokolicznik z to w przypadku, gdy poprzedzający czasownik jest już z końcówką -ing.
    Grupa CEFR Czasownik Tłumaczenie Przykłady
    L [+ to do / doing]A1love to do / doing (AmE only)lubić, uwielbiać, kochaćI love to play basketball.
    I love playing basketball.
    L [+ to do / doing]A1start to do / doingzaczynaćIt started to rain a few hours ago.
    It started raining a few hours ago.
    L [+ to do / doing]A2begin to do / doingzaczynaćI began to teach French ten years ago.
    I began teaching French ten years ago.
    L [+ to do / doing]B1bother to do / doingfatygować sięDon't bother to lay the table.
    Don't bother laying the table.
    L [+ to do / doing]B1continue to do / doingtrwać, kontynuowaćI will continue to work until I’m seventy.
    I will continue working until I’m seventy.
    L [+ to do / doing]B1intend to do / doingzamierzaćShe doesn’t intend to come here again.
    She doesn’t intend coming here again.
    L [+ to do / doing]B1stand to do / doingznosić, wytrzymywaćHe can’t stand living in the city.
    He can’t stand to live in the city.
    L [+ to do / doing]B2bear to do / doingznosićI can’t bear to hear that noise.
    I can’t bear hearing that noise.
    L [+ to do / doing]B2propose to do / doing (= to intend; formal)zamierzać coś zrobićHe proposed to go to Australia in two months.
    He proposed going to Australia in two months.
    I propose to wait until all the guests have arrived.
    I propose waiting until all the guests have arrived.
    L [+ to do / doing]C1cease to do / doing (= to stop)przerywać, przestawaćI hope they will cease to fight.
    I hope they will cease fighting.
    L [+ to do / doing]C1commence to do / doing (= start; formal)rozpoczynaćWe commence to build the tower next month.
    We commence building the tower next month.
    L [+ to do / doing]C1omit to do / doing (BrE formal)zapomnieć coś zrobić, nie zrobić czegośHe omitted to mention when he was arriving.
    He omitted mentioning when he was arriving.
  12. verb + to infinitive or -ing form (different meaning)
    Istnieje grupa czasowników po których występują dwie formy czasownika – bezokolicznik z to oraz gerund (czasownik z -ing), ale mają inne znaczenia.
    Grupa CEFR Czasownik Tłumaczenie Przykłady
    M [+ to do / doing]A1learn to do (referring to the result of the study)uczyć sięI learned to drive when I was seventeen.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1learn doing (referring to lessons or subjects of study)uczyć sięShe learns cooking at school.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1like to do (= it is a good idea to do something — choices; do something regularly although I don’t necessarily enjoy it — habits))lubić, chciećI like to take the test.
    I like to have a nap after lunch.
    She likes to have milk in her coffee.
    I like to do homework straight after school.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1like doing (= to enjoy; talking about a situation that already exists or existed — enjoyment))lubićShe likes reading in bed.
    I liked living in London.
    He likes playing computer games.
    They really like reading comics.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1love to do (= would like to do sth)≈ chciałbym bardzo coś zrobić itp.When I’m bored, I love to watch funny videos on the internet.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1love doing (= to enjoy)lubić, uwielbiać, kochaćHe loves playing tennis.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1prefer to do (= would prefer; to want)woleć, chciećShe prefers to live alone rather than share/sharing a flat with other tenants.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1prefer doing (= to like sth more)wolećThey prefer watching football to playing.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1remember to do (= to not forget)pamiętaćDid he remember to take his medicine?
    M [+ to do / doing]A1remember doing (= to recall)pamiętaćI remember telling you about the football match yesterday.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1stop to do (= to stop temporarily in order to do something else)zatrzymać się (by coś zrobić)I stopped to smoke. (= I stopped the car and smoked a cigarette.)
    M [+ to do / doing]A1stop doing (= to finish)przestać (coś robić)I stopped smoking two years ago. (= I no longer smoke. I gave up smoking two years ago.)
    M [+ to do / doing]A1want to do (= wish, need, desire etc.)chciećOlivia wants to buy a new car.
    M [+ to do / doing]A1want doing (= need to be done; passive meaning; BrE informal)wymagaćHis bedroom wants cleaning.
    M [+ to do / doing]A2hate to do (= to not want to do sth)nie chcieć czegoś robićI hate to interrupt you, but it’s urgent.
    M [+ to do / doing]A2hate doing (= to not enjoy)nienawidzićMy daughter hates going to the dentist’s.
    M [+ to do / doing]A2mean to do (= to intend to)zamierzać coś zrobić, chcieć coś zrobić, mieć zamiar coś zrobićI didn’t mean to hurt you.
    M [+ to do / doing]A2mean doing (= to involve)oznaczać, ≈ wymagaćMy new job will mean travelling all over the world.
    M [+ to do / doing]A2need to do (= to have to do sth; it is necessary for sb to do sth)musiećHe needs to study harder if he wants to pass his exam.
    M [+ to do / doing]A2need doing / to be done (= sth needs to be done; passive meaning)wymagaćYour shoes need cleaning.
    M [+ to do / doing]A2try to do (attempt to do something, do one’s best, make an afford to do)próbowaćTry to be quiet at night.
    M [+ to do / doing]A2try doing (experiment)próbować (wypróbować coś jako eksperyment)Try following a balanced diet!
    M [+ to do / doing]B1forget to do (= to not remember)zapominaćShe forgot to call her parents.
    M [+ to do / doing]B1forget doing (= to not recall)zapomnieć, nie pamiętaćI’ll never forget going to Australia.
    M [+ to do / doing]B2deserve to dozasługiwaćThey deserved to win the competition.
    M [+ to do / doing]B2deserve doing / to be done (passive meaning)zasługiwać (na coś)The series deserves watching.
    M [+ to do / doing]B2go on to do (= to do or say sth new)następnie coś zrobićAfter the course he went on to become a successful man.
    M [+ to do / doing]B2go on doing (= to continue with the same thing)≈ dalej (coś robić), kontynuowaćI can’t go on living in this flat.
    M [+ to do / doing]B2regret to do (= be sorry to; usually used in the present simple with verbs such as inform, say, tell)ubolewać, żałować, ≈ z przykrościąI regret to inform you that we cannot offer you the job. (formal letter)
    M [+ to do / doing]B2regret doing (= feel sorry about)żałowaćGary regrets saying what he said.
    M [+ to do / doing]C2dread to think (+ to think; phrase, BrE)strach pomyślećI dread to think what they are capable of now.
    M [+ to do / doing]C2dread doingobawiać się, bać sięShe dreads seeing them again.

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